Myanmar Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventist Church

Dear Brethren:

On behalf of the Myanmar Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventist Church, I am glad to inform you that in consultation with leaders of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division and the General Conference, the Myanmar Union Mission [MYUM] has voted to convene the 8th Union-wide Convention to commemorate the 115th Anniversary of our Church in Myanmar.  A decade and a half had been passed since the celebration of our Church’s Centennial at Thandaung, Kayin State in 2002 and without doubt we hope that every member would like to participate at the joyous 115th Anniversary Celebration.
Therefore, we would be happy to mark your presence along with your family and friends as follows:

Date:   November 10-11, 2017.
Venue: MUAS Campus, Myaungmya
Resource Speakers:  Pastor Dr. Ted NC Wilson, GC President
Pastor Dr. Saw Samuel Paul, SSD President

Kelly P Lyan, Executive Secretary, Myanmar Union Mission

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